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Viewing User Profile for: EI1571 Alan Buckley
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Joined: Oct 25, 2008 03:43 PM
Last Post: May 23, 2009 01:12 AM
Last Visit: Jul 31, 2010 11:45 PM
Location: se Ireland
Favorite Bands: 80m, 40m,20m, 70cm
Favorite Modes: ssb/fm

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EI1571 Alan Buckley has contributed to 13 posts out of 11673 total posts (0.11%) in 5,727 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
SWLs » new swl May 23, 2009 01:12 AM (Total replies: 12)

Cough Cough.
555 is not frowned upon as much any more.
Dont get me wrong , I know rules are rules and all should adhear to them. BUT the the plain fact is that there are hundreds of thousands of 11m dxers working the full 11m band through out the world (even in canada and the uk) in all modes. Its the only band that can be worked by citizens that dont hold a licence relatively freely , without the governing bodies frowning too much.
As far as Im concerned I think that as an 11 m operator the band`s potential should be expolited to its full, just like an amateur would use the whole amateur band plan.
The 11m band is sublect to bad conditions and opens up at certain times of each cycle to give dx`ers a good opening for some very good qso`s.
Amateur bands are from my swl experience , a much easier spectrum to work.
The 11m band is just that one band .
Just my 10cents .
Regards and 73`s de Alan EI1571

EI1571 Alan Buckley

SWLs » new swl May 15, 2009 01:45 AM (Total replies: 12)

Prop on 27.555 is good at the moment, we have just entered the sporadic E season and one sunspot from the new Cycle 24 seems to be forming. Just put a dipole \ long wire into your RX and listen .
I am SWL and 11m DX. This week I made contact with 128 stations in the EU along with 13 stations from Brazil , 2 stations from Argentina, 1 station from the Congo and one from Jamaca.
These contacts are all sporadic.
QSB is strong at times but thats 11m for you lol.
Hope you hear many stations during the summer . 73`s

EI1571 Alan Buckley

SWLs » How to write right SWL QSL from SWL May 15, 2009 01:36 AM (Total replies: 4)

I only use eQSL for SWL QSL confirmation.
In the Text box ,I write SWL ONLY followed by YOU IN QSO WITH " a1b2c3 etc.
Never have any problems after that. 73`s

EI1571 Alan Buckley

SWLs » Incomplete qsl cards May 15, 2009 01:27 AM (Total replies: 4)

73`s ham and swl friends.
True SWL`s don't use clusters. They Hunt through the bands to find the QSO`s in progress.
Like the original poster and as a SWL , I never need to use any clusters except for posting spots.
In my qsl`s , I post both operators qrz, Frequency, time, band and mode along with the text SWL ONLY .
I have received my eDX award plaque which I worked hard to get.
Anyone can look up a cluster as the above poster said and I 100% agree with him, But they are only kidding themselves.
True SWL`s as I said LISTEN hi hi.
Another point is that it is quite possible that an SWL did hear the stations in qso but dont have or are refused access to a ham cluster so that they may post the spot.

EI1571 Alan Buckley

SWLs » QSL card for SWL ? Apr 29, 2009 09:06 PM (Total replies: 23)

Hello all again.
The issue of whether or not to reply to a SWL , is entirely up to you.
I have just received my eDX award plaque and also this week received my IRTS 80m Counties Contest award from the IRTS President. My final score was 14500 points which earned me 1st place in the SWL section of the contest.
I have on a number of occasions sent QSL`s to stations who were calling CQ on a band and getting no reply so they knew that they were Q5 and R 9++.
I have had conversations with swl`s here in Ireland and they all say the same thing and i quote


The majority of SWL`s are decent people who are interested in radio and who will in the future become amateur operators.
When I send a QSL I specify the QRZ of the station heard , the QRZ of the station in QSO with him/her , the band, the mode, r/s date and time. I also add that i am swl only.

So in future when you get a SWL report just stand back and think, Is he/she trying to get that award and are you the last DXCC that he/she needs.
Is he/she studying for their licence .

I can understand the TRUST issue involved (I can hear you but you can`t hear me)
99% of SWL`s don`t spot on clusters they scan the bands and hunt , may be for hours , weeks even months to get that DXCC.

As I said before the final courtesy of a QSO is a QSL, but because SWL`s cant talk back , please spare a thought for them.
Regards and good DX to all.

EI1571 Alan Buckley

Support - English speaking » eDX award received Apr 29, 2009 07:15 PM (Total replies: 2)

73`s Andy.
Thanks for the congrats .
I am sitting my test in July, fingers crossed for a pass.
I had to study on my own as there was no course available near me,( closest course is 4 hours drive away).
I have all the study material and CD`s and an amateur friend , so I hope to pass first time lol.
Until then and until I receive my Ticket , I shall be listening out , usually 80,40, ssb and psk31 also the brilliant 30m psk.
73`s and take care de Alan EI1571

EI1571 Alan Buckley

Support - English speaking » eDX award received Apr 28, 2009 11:23 PM (Total replies: 2)

Hello David N5UP.
Today I received my eDX award.
It arrived in perfect condition and now sits with the other awards on my wall.
It is very well made and the lettering on it is very clear.
A ham friend of mine called to see me and he spent some time admiring my eDX award.
I had told him about eQSL some time ago .
Thank you and the team at eQSL for allowing a SWL to achieve such a beautiful award, ( pity there are not more awards for SWL`s but that's life lol)
Take care and best regards all round.
73`s de EI1571 Alan.

EI1571 Alan Buckley

Other suggestions » eQSL awards for SWL Jan 15, 2009 02:01 AM (Total replies: 0)

Hi all. I was just looking through the e awards ad discovered that not all awards are open to SWL.
Why not have eAwards in all categories for Ham and SWL ,or Separate awards in the same categories.Just a suggestion 73`s

EI1571 Alan Buckley

Contesting » IOTA Jan 15, 2009 01:28 AM (Total replies: 5)

Dave the early bird lol.
I was going to give out the same web site . lol

EI1571 Alan Buckley

SWLs » ePFX 300 award Jan 15, 2009 01:14 AM (Total replies: 9)

Hi all .
question for the admin.
Why not have an ePFX300 for swl.
According to most of the posts that I have read and as an SWL It is much more difficult to receive a QSL return for swl than Ham. May be It is something that could be put up for consideration.
I would have no difficulty with a separate SWL ePFX300 award sitting on my wall hi hi.
Best regards de EI1571

EI1571 Alan Buckley

SWLs » QSL card for SWL ? Jan 15, 2009 01:00 AM (Total replies: 23)

Hello all .
I have read some interesting posts above and as a IRTS REGISTERED SWL, I now know why some hams don't reply to my eQSL.
Actually I don`t blame you for not replying when this sort of behavior is going on.
I have been involved in radio for the past 20 years. I have worked 11m and become an SWL and at the moment I am studying for The Licence over here in Ireland.
The biggest problem was to find a club that was near, My club is 1 hours drive from my QTH.
I have competed in and am still going to compete in dx contests and I do hope that if I swl your station and send you an eQSL ,that you would have the courtesy to return one back.
By the way , UNLESS I am IN CONTEST I am not obliged to supply both sides of the conversation for swl reception.
On the 01/01/2009 I entered the IRTS 80m Counties Contest, which consists of the 32 counties in Ireland. My final score was over 1200 points which makes me eligible for the WEICC Award.
Also my 11m dx group is one that requires ASCERTAINED QUALIFICATIONS,so I don't need to make up qso`s.
Why not get a 5/9+40 report from Ireland , something to boast to your ham friends about hi hi.
Also thanks to all the Hams that have returned my eQSL`s . I am trying for all of the eQSL awards. To some it is no big deal but to us IT IS.
Also thanks to all the Hams that encourage SWL and help us to progress to Ham-land.
Best regards to all de EI1571 SWL

EI1571 Alan Buckley
Edited by EI1571 Alan Buckley on Jan 15, 2009 at 01:40 AM

SWLs » SWL,s and QSL cards Jan 15, 2009 12:26 AM (Total replies: 3)

Hi John+Andy.
As a SWL from Ireland ,I have Contacted(on a heard basis) many stations throughout the world.
I do agree with John in such as "some" not all amateur ops take a dim view towards swl .Why I do not know, do they not want to know that they are 5/9+40 dB into Your shack, hi hi.
And I do agree with Andy (It is only half the fun listening)but at least you know that your own equipment is working lol lol.
I am studying for my test over here in Ireland and will be sitting it in the summer (fingers crossed for a pass)

I have done some research on the test in other countries and it seems to me that the Eu test is harder than others.
Not making little of other tests I must add.
Any way It is nice to have somewhere to discuss these issues.
Best regards de Alan EI1571

EI1571 Alan Buckley

Getting more eQSLs » Cards Not Being Returned Jan 14, 2009 11:44 PM (Total replies: 16)

Hello all .
I am in a similar view about non returns of eQSL`s. I have sent many and received only a small percentage .
What I can`t seem to understand is that the eQSL service is what every amateur operator should be using
A : because it is much cheaper than printing and mailing.
B: because you know that your recipient has received his/her qsl.

Also I think that eQSL should be recognised for ALL DX contests.
As soon as I can afford it ,I shall be upgrading to GOLD membership .
I am just a SWL (registered with the IRTS) going for my licence at the moment and I have recommended eQSL to ALL my DX friends.
Best regards and keep up the great work
de EI1571

EI1571 Alan Buckley