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Viewing User Profile for: N7MNK Arthur Putnam
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Joined: Oct 17, 2009 11:55 AM
Last Post: Jan 19, 2010 01:02 PM
Last Visit: Oct 8, 2012 04:55 AM
Location: Moyie Springs, Idaho
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N7MNK Arthur Putnam has contributed to 11 posts out of 11674 total posts (0.09%) in 5,372 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
Support - English speaking » Non AG becoming an AG member? Jan 19, 2010 01:02 PM (Total replies: 1)

I have several contacts that have been confirmed by non AG members... If these persons become AG members... will all the contacts I have become AG approved once they become AG member? Just curious how that works.


N7MNK Arthur Putnam

Getting more eQSLs » Is there award for Nov 18, 2009 12:16 AM (Total replies: 9)

I use a RF 2m base station in simplex mode which is connected via Satelite to make the interenet connection for uplink and downlink, All connections coming into and out of my ham shack are RF for the echolink connection.

I know DX contesters now are using all kinds of software these days that allow them to send and make contacts via email networks and etc... to setup the contact in order to make their contact. Some are even meeting on skype first and then the radio contact. Hmm. But that is by side the point.

I have never asked that the award system be DX contesting by any means.

Lets say a award for working both ends with RF after making 100 confirm RF contacts via echolink. Then you could have a progresive system. Next award is 1000 contacts. Lets say award for rf contacts on 2m, 6m, HF bands and so on so forth.

By designing a award system that encourages RF on both sides.

If you have a award system no matter what the award is for and it is confirmed that both ends are hams such as via eqsl or ARRL then the non ham issue is not a issue. And by promoting our ham bands we are more likely to keep them.

Right now the 2 meter bands are being use very little compared to the 60's and 70's.. We have a new generation of kids growing up in the computer world with little to know interest in ham radio. And yet we promote that if it is not radio it is not ham. And yet the radios of today were built and layout by some computer program and robotic system somewhere and are no longer built by hams either, for the most part.

I enjoy working HF bands and do very often, and know full well that making a contact there is much more appreciate in effort in accomplishment on my part. Un like a echolink contact which is only computer to computer. But if a person learns to interface radio via simplex base station then uses their HT to talk through the base to reach echolink computer base station(internet). They have discovered RF interfacing. Which might lead to other areas also.

Also I believe it is a great way for Hams to keep others active in ham radio that have lost the means to keep a radio station do to some un seen trouble in life (have to move,, old age, apt, and many other things.)

I would agree with you that to make a bunch of DX contacts is stupid. But is there a way we could make award system that could be two fold?

1.) to create interest in amatuer radio beyond the tech lic and move toward RF bands and inter face with the world of networking?(Computer generation) and keep all are bands busy and well used.

2.) And still provide for those that wish to only use it as VOIP.

The packet radio stations of amateur radio that are using IRLP are getting all kinds of wright ups and these hams seem to be enjoying their area of the ham world.

I just think we need to think how can we make it work for ham radio and promote the hobby in a good way for others to expand in it. And use the RF yes! I agree on that for sure.


N7MNK Arthur Putnam

Getting more eQSLs » Is there award for Nov 17, 2009 06:29 AM (Total replies: 9)

Ah Ok I see your point as follows:

computer----------- Radio-----------computer is OK

Radio-------------Echolink (computer)------------Radio is not ok!

all seem to be multi- equipment to make the communication complete and both do use radio.

I do agree things that are not using radio is not Ham Radio for sure. If it does not use radio at all I really am not interested in it. If its just VOIP with out the use of Ham Radio I agree it is not the same at all. Skype is a good example of that.

If it has radio and uses the bands of Ham Radio what then is it?

N7MNK Arthur Putnam

N7MNK Arthur Putnam

Getting more eQSLs » Sending eQSL Cards Nov 14, 2009 04:43 PM (Total replies: 4)

As I understand it, If after uploading your adi file or log to the system. If their email address is known by the database of eQsl they will be notified they have a card. Which I wonder about. Because I have not ever gotten an email and have signed in and there are cards waiting for me. But with that said. When every they sign in the cards should be waiting for them to pick up and print. You want to make sure you have your card made up first for sure here on eQsl and when every you up load your adi file it will use your card design here.

I am new here too so take it with a grain of salt. Just pointing out what I have discovered.


N7MNK Arthur Putnam

eAward Suggestions » Why is RS(T) required for eQSLs and eAwards? Nov 12, 2009 01:48 PM (Total replies: 7)

The 3905 Century Club require both the send and recieve RST reports on cards for awards. Hope we do not loose the RST report it is much needed there.


N7MNK Arthur Putnam

Getting more eQSLs » Is there award for Nov 6, 2009 01:31 PM (Total replies: 9)

Making a contact on HF bands such as 40-80 meters is a much harder method of making contact for DX for sure. Voice can be much harder than rtty or psk or code for that matter in certain conditions for sure. I do not disagree on that.

If you held a award such as WAS for voice on 80 meter I would consider that a great accomplishment of working that band and mode in knowing the difficulty for sure.

I am in no way saying that the requirements for an echolink award would or should be measured in the same way or viewed in the same many.

I do not view PSK the same as voice or CW or RTTY or packet for that matter. I remember once using a hand held via packet radio making contact with a NASA astronaut's return to earth, many years ago. I do not even consider this the same as 40-80 meters voice.

The fact of the matter of RTTY, PSK, IRP, CW and several other modes are using computers and connecting via many methods to RF. Are they all the same because they are not all using solely a radio to make the connection on the other end?

I am just saying we must be willing to adapt to the newsness ahead of us, in order to not be left behind in the dark age of non change.


N7MNK Arthur Putnam

Getting more eQSLs » Is there award for Nov 4, 2009 11:36 PM (Total replies: 9)

Hi Cosmo,

I would agree if echolink was strictly a VOIP system, but for many it is not. I agree there are many that are strictly that. but for the other 2/3s of the echolink system is repeaters and simplex links. With RF connections to the ham community allowing access to which for many is the only way.

As for my connection to the echolink system I run a simplex link on 2meters that then is configured through Sat up link for the internet connection and back. Not a simply task for many non ham types for sure.

There is room in the ham community for all types of modes and operation of communication. If hams are to be in the front lines of discovery and research of new methods. There needs to be open mindness of what one or another views as a means of communication. Adaption of new ways and methods has been the success of new discoveries in my mind. One has to open the lid to the box to expand past the confines of the box.

I also noticed that alot of old hams that no longer have a large home and able to put up a RF working ham station are going to echolink to keep in contact with the community and reach out in a similar way of good fellowship of ham radio. I think it would be good for hams in the echolink system to have a system of awards that would keep them active in the mind and spirit of ham radio.

I see no harm in it. My two cents on it.


N7MNK Arthur Putnam

Getting more eQSLs » Is there award for Nov 4, 2009 01:31 PM (Total replies: 9)

I have found echolink to have many interesting contacts on it. There seems to be a great deal of hams that have gotten to a point in their life that they no longer can have HF equipment set up do to restraints of living conditions etc.. Also I have noticed a great deal of HF remote activiate for them to make contacts around the world there. Along with many repeaters and simplex links.

This is a mode of ham radio that is with out any kind of awards system that I can find anywhere. There is a great deal of interest in VOIP these days with ties out to rf connections to other areas of ham radio.

I wonder if eQSL has given any thought to being the first in creating some awards that could be earn for echolink users and in the process generate interest in eQSL system.

Unless I have over looked something I do not believe there is any awards or award systems for this mode of operation. It could be a award system of several or a few awards and create yet another area of interest for hams to work toward their in their interests.

Just my two cents and would be interested to hear others thoughts on this.

N7MNK - 73

N7MNK Arthur Putnam

Getting more eQSLs » Is there a net for eQsl members? Oct 24, 2009 04:38 PM (Total replies: 4)

Ok Tnx Andy, I found it on ARRL, Looking at installing DXKeeper program that allows I guess for post QSLs to both LOTW and eQSL. Hope I get it figured out to work both programs.

I am a bit surprised how many hams do not know about eQSL program. I will keep at it thou. I like the idea of not running to the post office all the time. Tnx again for the tip and advise.

Art -N7MNK

N7MNK Arthur Putnam

Getting more eQSLs » Is there a net for eQsl members? Oct 22, 2009 11:44 PM (Total replies: 4)

Ok Andy, Thanks for letting me know about the NET being down for the time being. I am so new here and also with DXing you lost me with LOTW, I am not sure what that is at all. Maybe you could feel me in on that one. Thanks again.

Art - N7MNK

N7MNK Arthur Putnam

Getting more eQSLs » Is there a net for eQsl members? Oct 21, 2009 10:55 PM (Total replies: 4)


I am new to eqsl and DXing the bands for that matter. I am interested in DXing and qsl card collecting etc..

Couple of questions if I may.

Is there a net for eQSL members and if so when and where?

Also, I am having trouble getting DX keeper to download and load on my system, is there another program that maybe I should consider or help in getting it to install.

Also would like to know if there is a tutorial of some sort to read on best practices of DXing and using eQSL?

Like to get started on the right foot. Be interested in reading your comments and advise.

Thank You
Art - N7MNK

N7MNK Arthur Putnam