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Viewing User Profile for: DG7LAE Uli Schmidt-Kufeke
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Joined: Oct 3, 2001 05:44 AM
Last Post: May 11, 2009 01:57 PM
Last Visit: Jun 29, 2018 09:58 AM
Location: Lübeck
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DG7LAE Uli Schmidt-Kufeke has contributed to 40 posts out of 11672 total posts (0.34%) in 8,303 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
Support - German » Problem mit FAQ May 11, 2009 01:57 PM (Total replies: 5)

Hallo Manfred ,

ich kenn Logger nicht , somit kann ich nur generell anworten,

entweder : Du erzeugst aus den neuen Logs ein Log im ADIF - Format , z.B. pro Monat und liest dieses auf der Seite "upload ADIF " von eQSL ein

oder : ich verwende HamRadioDeluxe/DM780 , dies hat die Möglichkeit, jeden Logbucheintrag automatisch auf eQSL upzuloaden ( online-Verbindung vorausgesetzt )
Bequemer geht es nicht, Klick auf ADD und es wird im Logbuch gspeichert und gleichzeitig zum eQSL Server gesendet .

vy 73 Uli

member of DARC , DOK M10 ( Grömitz )
EPC #2025 , 30MDG#0643

Support - German » Vote für QSL Karten Apr 1, 2009 03:47 PM (Total replies: 3)

Hallo Michael ,
mir ist nur die Auflistung auf der Seite > Community > Vote ... > continue >
bekannt . Sieht so aus , als ob die entsprechende Karte mindestens 26 Stimmen bekommen haben muß , um aufgeführt zu werden (?) .
Daß eine Standardmotiv hier jedoch mit 33 Stimmen drin ist (8P9AJ) , find ich absurd ,
es sollte doch wohl eigentlich um individuelle Entwürfe gehen .

73 Uli

member of DARC , DOK M10 ( Grömitz )
EPC #2025 , 30MDG#0643

Authenticity Guaranteed » Authenticity Guaranteed on QSL card. Mar 23, 2009 05:27 PM (Total replies: 3)

Not sure if one can upload one's own card as design at Style 1 or 2 but if that is possible , simply design your own card and get the AG logo on it .

73 Uli

member of DARC , DOK M10 ( Grömitz )
EPC #2025 , 30MDG#0643

Support - German » AG - Label auf der eqsl Mar 17, 2009 04:24 PM (Total replies: 4)

Hallo Dieter ,

ja , es ist nicht kompliziert .

1. entscheide Dich für Style 1 oder 2 > beachte : die Bildgrösse ist FEST , also richtet es sich auch nach dem von Dir gewünschten Bild
2. nehme ein Grafikprogramm Deiner Wahl und erstelle das Bild für Deine QSL in der entsprechenden Grösse
Style 1 = 320 x 240 pixel
Style 2 = 528 x 336 pixel
3. Die persönlichen Daten kommen direkt vom eQSL-Server bei diesen beiden Stylen , aber natürlich kannst Du das gewünschte AG-Label in das Bild Deiner QSL "einbauen" . ( Ich hoffe, Du kennst Dich mit einem Grafikprogramm entsprechend aus ) .
Nebenbei bemerkt : QSL-Karten in Hochformat sind nicht möglich .

Step 1 auf der eQSL Seite :
hier kannst du eine eQSL Vorlage auswählen oder Dein Photo uploaden ( bitte im jpg-Format ) > auf der Seite ganz unten : Haken bei
Upload a graphic file to use
NOTE: Do not upload a graphic
unless you own the copyright to it
anschl. die Schrift auswählen und auf den Button Save Changes , auf der dann folgenden Seite wirst Du aufgefordert, das von Dir erstellte Bild hochzuladen

Step 2 :
dann gibt es wohl noch ein paar Möglichkeiten, Kleinigkeiten zu ändern und irgendwann die Abfrage des endgültigen Speicherns
> ich schreib das alles so locker aus dem Gedächtnis heraus , ich hoffe daher , ich erzähle es Dir richtig , sonst meld Dich gern noch mal bei Schwierigkeiten .

Das AG-Label schick ich Dir per Email zu .

So , ich hoffe, alles ist verständlich .

Guten Erfolg !

73 Uli

member of DARC , DOK M10 ( Grömitz )
EPC #2025 , 30MDG#0643

Support - German » AG - Label auf der eqsl Mar 16, 2009 11:09 AM (Total replies: 4)

Hallo Dieter ,
da Du bereits AG Mitglied bist , brauchst Du nur das Label auf Deine QSL zu bringen .
Dazu am besten eine eigene QSL erstellen, dort das AG Label integrieren und diese Karte uploaded auf den eQSL Server = auf der Seite "My eQSL Design " geht dies in 3 Schritten .

Abhängig von Deiner Mitgliedschaft hast Du verschiedenen Style - Möglichkeiten der QSL .
Das Erstellen ist bei mir schon etwas länger her , wenn ich recht erinnere :

Bei "regular" stehen Dir nur Style 1 + 2 zur Verfügung , da ist es notwendig , halt die QSL incl. des AG Labels selbst zu erstellen und dann die QSL auf den Server zu laden .
Bei Style 3 + 4 ( Bronze Mitgliedschaft ) stehen Dir wesentlich mehr Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung ähnlich einem kompletten Grafikprogramm und auch verschiedene Labels können auf der Karte kombiniert werden , d.h. die gesamte Erstellung kann online erfolgen .

Wenn Du eine eigene Karte erstellst , denke bitte daran, daß Bild in der Grösse so zu wählen , daß die QSO-Details nicht die Karte überschreiben . Das sieht immer sehr häßlich aus und ist dazu meist schlecht lesbar d.h. also das Bild nicht so groß wie die QSL machen sondern z.B. unten entsprechend 4 Zeilen weißen Platz lassen für die Details .

vy 73 Uli

member of DARC , DOK M10 ( Grömitz )
EPC #2025 , 30MDG#0643

Support - English speaking » email notifications Feb 10, 2009 05:54 PM (Total replies: 2)

same experience here ,
also I never got info about postings in the forum ("subscribe me .. ") , seems it simply does not work , have to get informed by watching " recent posts " .

73 Uli

member of DARC , DOK M10 ( Grömitz )
EPC #2025 , 30MDG#0643

Support - English speaking » Routing of /QRP Feb 9, 2009 03:46 PM (Total replies: 6)

Hello Graham ,
I aggree and you may send it to eQSL as a proposal .
No sense if such a QSL is stored in the database for years ...

73 Uli

member of DARC , DOK M10 ( Grömitz )
EPC #2025 , 30MDG#0643

Edited by DG7LAE Uli Schmidt-Kufeke on Feb 9, 2009 at 04:52 PM

Support - English speaking » Routing of /QRP Feb 8, 2009 05:52 PM (Total replies: 6)

Andy is correct , you need an attached account for getting /qrp cards.
same problem here as I run 5 w , for no reason some hams add qrp .

By the way same is when adding /p or /2 ( other district ) so meanwhile I first check if the hams actually has that acount or "only" is main account ( without/p ) and in almost every case it is neccessary to remove that /... !
not many QSOs on my side that is OK but wouldn't care that if I am a contester .. .

73 Uli

member of DARC , DOK M10 ( Grömitz )
EPC #2025 , 30MDG#0643

Authenticity Guaranteed » Authenticity Guarantee Feb 6, 2009 04:03 PM (Total replies: 1)

Hi Rick ,

the approval did less than a week at my end but sure it is up to the volounteers how much time they have .

your second question :
yes , you can either send it by snailmail or via email to :

1828 Glenbrook Ct
Bedford, Texas 76021

for email :

Sorry to see the way to become AG does mean trouble for you ,

73 Uli

member of DARC , DOK M10 ( Grömitz )
EPC #2025 , 30MDG#0643

Support - English speaking » Temp QTH Feb 6, 2009 03:59 PM (Total replies: 2)

Hi Dwight ,

working via internet remote HF stations I use W3 , W4 , W5 and I created an account within my main account DG7LAE = W3/DG7LAE for example that runs perfect , no problems at all

But as many others using call/qrp or call/2 for example I have often run into trouble with their accounts .

But active in different W - area just put it in front instead of behind your call , create such an account within your main account ( look for : Register a New Attached Account ) and it should run fine as long as the others use the complete call ( W4/NS9I )-.

But if hams simply remove in their logs .../ or /... . then you simply cannot do anything about it ...
That are my experience with callsigns from different areas .

73 Uli

member of DARC , DOK M10 ( Grömitz )
EPC #2025 , 30MDG#0643

eAward Suggestions » Support for power level Feb 2, 2009 07:17 PM (Total replies: 9)

Hello Graham,
interesting to know as i have seen /qrp several times from the UK , and strange in my opion , but as laws often are .....

73 Uli

member of DARC , DOK M10 ( Grömitz )
EPC #2025 , 30MDG#0643

Getting more eQSLs » Cards Not Being Returned Feb 2, 2009 07:06 PM (Total replies: 16)

General problem is that eQSL is not accepted for awards in general though eQSL is doing its best , arrl and others simply refuse it to protect their own interests .
For that reason hams opened up the account , get aware of the problem and simply do not even take the time to close the account to let people know result is that other users get frustrated .
Hopefully one day eQSL things about closing accounts not used for one year and longer .

73 Uli

Edited by DG7LAE Uli Schmidt-Kufeke on Feb 2, 2009 at 07:13 PM

Getting more eQSLs » Cards Not Being Returned Feb 2, 2009 07:05 PM (Total replies: 16)

Hi Bill,

as you I do digital QSOs most of the time ,
>>Tried the email trick but no joy as yet only 4 out of 50 : <<

Problem is that even hams have not used the account for years they stay in the system .
Better then using the standard integrated email feature is to send a personal email with name ,
at least at my end I had several good feedbacks on it either to get a card at all as well if someone has had no AG membership so that his card is not counted for eQSL awards and to get him to send his licence so that he becomes AG membership .

My reply rate is about 47 % that means 1388 QSO resulted in 651 QSL-cards .

good luck ,

member of DARC , DOK M10 ( Grömitz )
EPC #2025 , 30MDG#0643

Support - English speaking » Reinstatement of call in eQSL Jan 31, 2009 06:27 PM (Total replies: 2)

Hello Paul,

send email to the support is the only way to reinstate a call ,
may be you can get in touch by telephone if it is so urgent ??

73 Uli

member of DARC , DOK M10 ( Grömitz )
EPC #2025 , 30MDG#0643

Support - English speaking » Inbox Timeout Jan 31, 2009 06:23 PM (Total replies: 2)

Hello Don ,

yes I experienced the same from time to time , seems no problem at the card itself .
After failure I retried it again and most times the QSL came up without a problem then,
and as you say , everything else works perfect .
Just this little note to let you know that the problem is not up to your maschine .

73 Uli

member of DARC , DOK M10 ( Grömitz )
EPC #2025 , 30MDG#0643

Getting more eQSLs » Why AG membership if.... Jan 28, 2009 03:55 PM (Total replies: 22)

congratulations , dear Cosimo , impressiv what you have achieved !
your effort will help us all .

73 and good DX ,


member of DARC , DOK M10 ( Grömitz )
EPC #2025 , 30MDG#0643

Getting more eQSLs » How to get more people to join EQSL??!! Jan 27, 2009 07:09 PM (Total replies: 43)

similar is done by the EPC to promote their club and psk in general , right now on 31.Jan+1.Feb for PSK125 , but contest always need some manpower to check all logs and in case of trophies to find out a winner .

eQSL did that in the past by having a contest on CQ100 internet software for digital modes only , unfortunately not many feedbacks , but good idea anyway .

AS I always take part in EPC contest I surely love to do it at an eQSL contest if it happens one day .

As to the old clubs not accepting eQSL is an old story , at least in Germany I can see one simple reason that many hams are member just because of the QSL bureau " QSL via bureau " and if that QSL exchange would be transferred to the internet in a way that DXCC would accept eQSL they would loose many members , to me that is the only reason , afraid of loosing members . To write about security reason is a lough , in today's world everybody can print out any card he wish to have if he is willing to cheat . "Paper Card " is no better proof for honesty .

73 Uli

Edited by DG7LAE Uli Schmidt-Kufeke on Jan 27, 2009 at 07:21 PM

Getting more eQSLs » Why AG membership if.... Jan 27, 2009 07:02 PM (Total replies: 22)

I send personal emails to non-AG , not the standard what eQSL does provide but a personal wish to join for AG , and yes , at least 50 % then became AG - members .
But as stated in a different topic , I would like to see AG as recommended in general for using eQSL and often people simply are not aware , I think eQSL does not really point people to the fact , may be fearing some will shy away .
I say : better to have 500 active than 5000 registed not using the system in any way - brings nothing but frustrating to those keen to use eQSL .

73 Uli

member of DARC , DOK M10 ( Grömitz )
EPC #2025 , 30MDG#0643

Support - English speaking » HRD and DM780 eQsl entries missing. Jan 27, 2009 06:56 PM (Total replies: 3)

Hi Timothy ,
to your question of duplicates :
I got two QSLs for exact the same QSO so it seems that duplicates are not eliminated at least not if there is a minute difference although i was told that the range should be about 1 hour . Well , no problem I think, just delete one , although time was different and 2 QSLs were shown , I was not asked to verify again , although I send one card only and both were shown as verified in the inbox from my side .

Uploading via DM780 I did NOT get an error message at the upload itself but looking later into the details of the QSO I was surprised to see that programme wrote : error , not submitted and it was NOT logged in eQSL .
So there really seems to be a problem of not being informed corretly in case of failure .

73 Uli

member of DARC , DOK M10 ( Grömitz )
EPC #2025 , 30MDG#0643

Getting more eQSLs » The importance of eQSL design Jan 27, 2009 04:03 PM (Total replies: 4)

Hi Andy,

isn't strange , hams are running trx and antennas for thousands of dollars but to donate 10 per year is too much ????
So I do not following your way just to get more people into the boat , the service has to be paid by someone and it should not only the ones who run the server and all .

People should realize that just because something belongs to ham radio , they cannot get all for free .
that old idea is outdated in my view of the world and eQSL offers the service for such a little fee that should not a problem to anyone who is able to run a ham radio station .
Sure you have people who hardly are able to get the daily bread but these you will not find on the internet and probably not on the bands - because they have much more important things to worry than a QSL .

No , I would like to see a change in a way , 2 months for free , then donate a free amount above 5 $ per year and AG membership only . Far too many registered in the database who have not used the account for years , that is no win to a system .

And then I would aggree to have some more cards available while I do not like to get standard cards , many hams stick for hours on one QRG to get the DX shot of a special call but 10 minutes for creating an own design seems to be too much ???

73 Uli

member of DARC , DOK M10 ( Grömitz )
EPC #2025 , 30MDG#0643