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Viewing User Profile for: K7EVI Douglas P Garman
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Joined: Sep 29, 2012 05:37 PM
Last Post: Jun 15, 2013 12:18 AM
Last Visit: Jun 15, 2013 12:20 AM
Location: WA. KLI.
Favorite Bands: 75 -10 except 30&60 warc. 2m FM
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K7EVI Douglas P Garman has contributed to 15 posts out of 11673 total posts (0.13%) in 4,291 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
Getting more eQSLs » LOTW to eQSL credits Jun 15, 2013 12:18 AM (Total replies: 13)

I print ever eQSL I get! I have the paper cards. I have never tried to send them to LOTW, and I do not look for their awards either. Their DXCC would cost ME a minimum of $78. That is over 2 months of my ham radio budget. Yeah, I am over 65 and my SS raises never come.

K7EVI Douglas P Garman

County Hunters » Rare County Activation During 7QP Apr 7, 2013 11:13 PM (Total replies: 3)

Not too sure if I would say "rare", but I will be on at home for 7QP and Salmon Run in WA KLI aka Klickitat county. My XYL may be on 10m Tech band for both also, watch for KB7WSJ. All SSB...

I will post logs to eQSL and LoTW for me, and probably for her also. There might be some one on in White Salmon also, but not yet confirmed.

(I am on quite regularly if you want the county - not just the contest points.

K7EVI Douglas P Garman
Edited by K7EVI Douglas P Garman on Apr 7, 2013 at 11:14 PM

Getting more eQSLs » email notification Jan 30, 2013 03:13 PM (Total replies: 6)

But, I WANT the wallpaper! My ham shack is tiny, and new. All my old cards are gone, so I want to cover the new walls with something - important!, like QSL cards! I am printing them on printer paper, not always on photo paper.
We are not "21st century" out here. Sometime I wonder if we are even 20th Century! I did replace my Heathkit DX-35 and VF-1. Grid modulation was not making it with the SSB contests. The Hallicrafter S-53A was gone, so I had to get a receiver - so I got a transceiver.

But thanks for the thoughts.

Neighbors done the road (one mile away) have commercial power, but I failed to notice when their power was out for 3 days! They have electric stove, refrigerator, freezer, washer and dryer, water heater, dish washer.... But they have wood heat.

K7EVI Douglas P Garman

Getting more eQSLs » email notification Jan 30, 2013 04:26 AM (Total replies: 6)

You replied some time ago, and I did not see the reply until tonight. I like the wall paper, so now that I have a good printer, I am printing, slowly, all the cards. When I finish these, then I will want to print the new ones.
Maybe I will just have to watch and print from the inbox - if that will work. I am learning this system and liking it better each time I use it.

I do not see how a spread sheet would really help. I really want a copy of all the cards, and especially the custom ones.

K7EVI Douglas P Garman

I tried replying and my reply was rejected... Where in the database is it stored - That is where can I get to it. I keep ALL my emails for 5 years - there are no replies to my support questions in my email....
Thanks. It took me 4 tries but I got my email address to lower case as spometimes hotmail becomes case sensitive....

K7EVI Douglas P Garman

I had 3 support requests in que... One since Salmon Run Sept 20 or so and if those were answered .... Where?

K7EVI Douglas P Garman

Getting more eQSLs » email notification Nov 9, 2012 05:05 AM (Total replies: 6)

Is there a way to sort these by when confirmed? So I can find and print the newest ones? At this moment I have only printed a few, so it is not urgent, but when I get all these printed then it will have become a problem.

K7EVI Douglas P Garman

two months later - no answer - The second question ??? Why post if no one reads / answers?

K7EVI Douglas P Garman

Getting more eQSLs » Clarification needed please Nov 9, 2012 12:41 AM (Total replies: 5)

don't go too far, I may want a contact. I am glad to see one more DX station using eQSL!

K7EVI Douglas P Garman

Support - English speaking » LOTW and EQSL credits toward DXCC Nov 9, 2012 12:34 AM (Total replies: 6)

Similar question but different wording. SOMEWHERE in my reading, I saw we could load the LoTW ADIF into eQSL FOR CREDIT Was this a pipe dream, a suggestion or the truth?

It seems to me, IF that ADIF is identified as coming from LoTW that it would be verified and therefore within the parameters of eQSL.

The attitude of ARRL - esp. LoTW is such that I am considering not renewing my membership, there.

Thanks. Doug K7EVI

K7EVI Douglas P Garman

Contesting » DO YOU UPLOAD YOUR CONTEST LOGS? Nov 2, 2012 10:12 PM (Total replies: 52)

I have been uploading my logs as soon as I can after each contest. My return rate is not too good, BUT ... I hope since cq-ww-ssb was a DX contest, I will get a very good return.

In the WA-QSO party, aka Salmon Run, out of 22 contacts with the sponsoring club, I have gotten only ONE eQSL, and only two on LoTW. From a DX club where the main push of the contest was to work counties - I got a clean sweep, but cannot prove it! I may not participate next year in that one, since There were 2 of us from KLI on the air for it!

K7EVI Douglas P Garman

Contesting » DO YOU UPLOAD YOUR CONTEST LOGS? Nov 2, 2012 10:12 PM (Total replies: 52)

I have been uploading my logs as soon as I can after each contest. My return rate is not too good, BUT ... I hope since cq-ww-ssb was a DX contest, I will get a very good return.

In the WA-QSO party, aka Salmon Run, out of 22 contacts with the sponsoring club, I have gotten only ONE eQSL, and only two on LoTW. From a DX club where the main push of the contest was to work counties - I got a clean sweep, but cannot prove it! I may not participate next year in that one, since There were 2 of us from KLI on the air for it!

K7EVI Douglas P Garman

County Hunters » Eqsl County Award? Oct 30, 2012 12:51 AM (Total replies: 11)

I am very new to any kind of contesting, and would NEVER entered it if someone had not asked for a contact by email.

I am in WA state KLI county, and will try to accommodate anyone anywhere for KLI. 180m is almost impossible, and of course VHF/UHF are rather hard to begin with, and I only have FM mobiles for that. I am considering getting my motor home set up for portable / mobile HF with a decent field antenna. I have gotten some new DX countries by scheduling county contacts!

On topic, I think a per State listing of contacts for the award MIGHT gather interest, and should be able to be automated. The eQSL system has better safeguards than QRZ, but as far as I have been told, some of the county hunter clubs are just "Good Old Boy" clubs that do not encourage new hunters, unless you are very rare! Personal experience is seeming to bear that out.

SO... Those are my thoughts. I see this thread is not too old so Maybe we can get something going.... AND if it can be automated .... how about some State County parties -- submitting logs to eQSL? Only automated verifications count and AG.

Would that increase the number of members? I would pay 2 cents per contact submitted to cover a bit of the cost, and by whatever means is cheapest to do it .... Add to bring up to at least $2.00 for submitting fee/gift by PayPal? You certainly would not be buying an award. ($5.00 or more counts toward subscription).

Just think - Worked all States in one eQSL party and Worked all Counties in a State or two at the same time. You get all counties in WA (39) and the WA operator may get 30 or more States confirmed and it costs under $5 to get the log AUTOMATICALLY verified. Depending on the size of the State/Map it could be possible to have the call for each county automatically printed on the county on the map! {(OK, I may be dreaming at that point, but a programmer could make it work: For an additional cost.)}

Just a thought on the party idea, Limit the expected hours by charting the propagation / bands. That way, only a few would miss sleep. The Salmon Run was 2 days, but most of my contacts (total 207) were in 4 - 3 hour blocks.

eQSL confirming for points to count -- logs close in 5 - 10 days. The CQ will be eQ -- SL (State) contest! Or e-QSL (State) contest. (or party might be better).

Scoring idea: AG required for ANY recognition. In addition to points, below:

A Clean Sweep = Work all Counties during party - PDF PARTY Certificate, with one (first) call verifed for each county listed on Certificate or on the county - as available.

Party State = 4 points for each contact in another state, and 2 for one each of their own State's counties - (OK, that might not be fair for me with only two active generals or above in county). AND a multiplier (only if possible to automate this one) for each time zone (up to 23).
Worked All States During Party certificate. (PDF)

Out of state:

Extra 4 points for each Party state county worked. One point for any other contact outside your own call area. --- With part of the exchange to be a plug for eQSL sponsoring the contest....

Certificates (emailed PDF) just for submitting log, And fee/gift, showing participation in support of eQSL. Additional certificates -- as can be automated for each MODE, band, and/or county - high or threshold score (ie, 80% of States counties worked).

Snail mailed certificates will have additional mailing/handling charge for Personal signature / seals / special papers / or as determined by eQSL.

There are a lot of possibilities / challenges to doing this. including a contest submission robot address, which recognizes PayPal receipt numbers, mailing address for checks and logs on memory cards -?-. Paper logs not accepted... If it isn't paid, it will be logged into the data base, but not scored for the party. But then, subscribed members logs could be scored -- extra fees optional for subscribers... Automated again - be sure subscription verified before submitting log!

K7EVI Douglas P Garman

Getting more eQSLs » Getting more people to eQSL - CQ contests Oct 29, 2012 11:06 PM (Total replies: 5)

any chance CQ could submit logs to eQSL? Or--- on the log test page have a check box to send to eQSL at thje same time as it sends in to their server? Possible problem, appear eQSL wants ADIF and CQ wants cabrilo.. Or am I misreading this?

K7EVI Douglas P Garman

Getting more eQSLs » RFI Oct 29, 2012 11:00 PM (Total replies: 6)

I agree with Alan, the only meters it might affect are the digital ones that use a power line transponder to post your meter readings. AND then it would have to be very HIGH power and it would probably only zero OR stop the meter. You should not be on a low enough band to be able to cause a problem. The meter reports the error and locks up or defaults to ZERO if tampered with. (Tacoma WA. City Light - as reference - 9600 baud)

K7EVI Douglas P Garman